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Friday, April 29, 2011

happy birthday poems for cousins

happy birthday poems for cousins

happy birthday poems for cousins happy birthday poems for cousins happy birthday poems for cousins

happy birthday poems for cousins happy birthday poems for cousins happy birthday poems for cousins

Poker's a day to learn and a lifetime to master. ~Robert Williamson III

Business is the art of extracting money from another man's pocket without resorting to violence. ~Max Amsterdam

A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat. ~Old New York Proverb

If property had simply pleasures, we could stand it; but its duties make it unbearable. In the interest of the rich we must get rid of it. ~Oscar Wilde

In an earlier stage of our development most human groups held to a tribal ethic. Members of the tribe were protected, but people of other tribes could be robbed or killed as one pleased. Gradually the circle of protection expanded, but as recently as 150 years ago we did not include blacks. So African human beings could be captured, shipped to America and sold. In Australia white settlers regarded Aborigines as a pest and hunted them down, much as kangaroos are hunted down today. Just as we have progressed beyond the blatantly racist ethic of the era of slavery and colonialism, so we must now progress beyond the speciesist ethic of the era of factory farming, of the use of animals as mere research tools, of whaling, seal hunting, kangaroo slaughter and the destruction of wilderness. We must take the final step in expanding the circle of ethics. ~Pete Singer

The secret affinity between gambling and the desert: the intensity of gambling reinforced by the presence of the desert all around the town. The air-conditioned freshness of the gaming rooms, as against the radiant heat outside. The challenge of all the artificial lights to the violence of the sun's rays. Night of gambling sunlit on all sides; the glittering darkness of these rooms in the middle of the desert. Gambling itself is a desert form, inhuman, uncultured, initiatory, a challenge to the natural economy of value, a crazed activity on the fringes of exchange. But it too has a strict limit and stops abruptly; its boundaries are exact, its passion knows no confusion. Neither the desert nor gambling are open areas; their spaces are finite and concentric, increasing in intensity toward the interior, toward a central point, be it the spirit of gambling or the heart of the desert - a privileged, immemorial space, where things lose their shadow, where money loses its value, and where the extreme rarity of traces of what signals to us there leads men to seek the instantaneity of wealth. ~Jean Baudrillard

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage. But if we don't practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us - and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along. ~Carl Sagan, The Fine Art of Baloney Detection

Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down. ~Mary Pickford

To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. ~Bertrand Russell

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends - but only one mother in the whole world. ~Kate Douglas Wiggin

One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. ~Chinese Proverb

A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods. ~Iban Proverb, as quoted on vanishingtattoo.com

The unique impression of Jesus upon mankind - whose name is not so much written as ploughed into the history of the world - is proof of the subtle virtue of this infusion. Jesus belonged to the race of prophets. He saw with open eyes the mystery of the soul. One man was true to what is in you and me. He, as I think, is the only soul in history who has appreciated the worth of man. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart. ~Arabian Proverb

I like to do nice things for my grandchildren - like buy them those toys I've always wanted to play with. ~Gene Perret

If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. ~John Louis von Neumann

I guess walking slow getting married is because it gives you time to maybe change your mind. ~Virginia Cary Hudson, O Ye Jigs & Juleps, 1962 (Thanks, Charlene)

Wine is sure proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. ~Benjamin Franklin

A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. ~Grace Pulpit