Jul 22, 11:04 AM
Nearly the entire line of majot Apple products is in need of an update.
Jul 30, 07:48 AM
Been there heard that....
Boring (dammit there are no sleeping emotion icons)
Boring (dammit there are no sleeping emotion icons)
Nov 17, 10:42 AM
here's a video on the kit.
Nov 22, 07:03 AM
Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.
iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.
If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.
iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.
If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.
Don't panic
May 3, 04:34 PM
i took the liberty to re-write the rules AS I UNDERSTANND THEM, which incorporate all the Q&A
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by random.org, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (random.org)
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by random.org, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (random.org)
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
Apr 25, 06:51 AM
i would love to get a 27" ACD with retina display - once they have started to incorporate OLED
OLED+retina display :D
OLED+retina display :D
May 4, 03:01 PM
Why put it in the App Store if it isn't an App?
Because it has a payment system and delivery system in place.
But it isn't an app. It's an OS upgrade.
Because it has a payment system and delivery system in place.
But it isn't an app. It's an OS upgrade.
JRM PowerPod
Aug 5, 09:49 AM
Whats the normal run of events?
3 split up segments and then one more thing
Here is what i reckon
1) Intel transition
blah blah blah, it has been quick, painless developers, developers developers. Everyone has been receptive except $#%#@@! Adobe
Intel keep giving us the chips
today we update MBP and iMac to core 2 duo
2)Talking about tranistion there are 2 products which haven't yet been transistioned
PowerMac > Mac Pro
Xserve > Xserve? Mac Serve?
Mac Pro has 3 configs
Best - Dual Xeon, 1GB 500GB 256X1800 $3299
Better - Core 2 Duo 2.93ghz 1GB 500gb 256mb X1600 $2499
Good - Core 2 Duo 2.6 1GB 250gb 256mb X1600 $1999
Xserves - All Xeons, dah
3) Leopard talk
4) One more thing
Candidates: iPhone, iPod, New Screens (may be intro'd with Mac Pro's) what ever else there could be
3 split up segments and then one more thing
Here is what i reckon
1) Intel transition
blah blah blah, it has been quick, painless developers, developers developers. Everyone has been receptive except $#%#@@! Adobe
Intel keep giving us the chips
today we update MBP and iMac to core 2 duo
2)Talking about tranistion there are 2 products which haven't yet been transistioned
PowerMac > Mac Pro
Xserve > Xserve? Mac Serve?
Mac Pro has 3 configs
Best - Dual Xeon, 1GB 500GB 256X1800 $3299
Better - Core 2 Duo 2.93ghz 1GB 500gb 256mb X1600 $2499
Good - Core 2 Duo 2.6 1GB 250gb 256mb X1600 $1999
Xserves - All Xeons, dah
3) Leopard talk
4) One more thing
Candidates: iPhone, iPod, New Screens (may be intro'd with Mac Pro's) what ever else there could be

Apr 23, 02:51 PM
That's the nice thing about the equallogic, right? ;)
Only issue I currently have with throughput is being limited by 4gigs when there are 30 some odd VMs running in our 3 host cluster. I would love to be fiber channel but between state budget cuts and PITA systems guy it ain't happening.
On thunderbolt though, I truly believe it will be a non-starter. Sure, it's cool for those of us that know about it but people in general won't know and won't really care either way. Honestly, consumers should already be above 10Gbps because the physical hardware is already there, just a matter of market elasticity.
You do realise you can switch your multi-path policy to something like Round-Robin or Least used link or something and use both your fabrics at the same time, giving you double bandwidth (in your 4 Gig port configuration, giving you 8 Gbps, or in a 8 Gbps FC configuration, 16) right ? Actually, you should have a look at what it is set to, some versions of ESX and ESXi are completely retarded and set the default policy to use Fabric 1 only (older versions prior to 4.x didn't have a supported configuration for using both paths at the same time, the support was experimental I believe).
Or you can run FCoE or FCoIP and use dual 10 Gbps for FC on the cheap (I do realise HBAs can be pricey). Or heck, iSCSI over 10 Gbps links...
Also, looking at my current I/O statistics for one of our biggest ESXi boxes (about 20 VMs), I see we average about... 10 mbps over the fiber. ;) Servers aren't constantly writing at full bandwidth anyhow and the convenience of centralized SAN management trumps Direct Attached Storage any day of the week in a data center environnement.
Heck, I wish our DMZ servers could be attached to the SAN (stupid Security policies) so that I could actually grow the filesystems on which the file repository sits... seeing how Sun (now Oracle) wants to charge us over 10k$ for about 72 GBs of disks, just because the hardware is EOL'd and it lacks the 2nd controller so that we can use the drive bays that are free in it...
Thunderbolt brings me back to those days. It's just not something I'd ever consider for data center use. It's not going to replace iSCSI or Fiber Channel. It's a complete non-contender in that space. Consumer space or workstations ? Yeah, sure, seems it could replace Firewire and USB disks, if the price and availability of actual peripherals is good. That last part remains to be seen.
Only issue I currently have with throughput is being limited by 4gigs when there are 30 some odd VMs running in our 3 host cluster. I would love to be fiber channel but between state budget cuts and PITA systems guy it ain't happening.
On thunderbolt though, I truly believe it will be a non-starter. Sure, it's cool for those of us that know about it but people in general won't know and won't really care either way. Honestly, consumers should already be above 10Gbps because the physical hardware is already there, just a matter of market elasticity.
You do realise you can switch your multi-path policy to something like Round-Robin or Least used link or something and use both your fabrics at the same time, giving you double bandwidth (in your 4 Gig port configuration, giving you 8 Gbps, or in a 8 Gbps FC configuration, 16) right ? Actually, you should have a look at what it is set to, some versions of ESX and ESXi are completely retarded and set the default policy to use Fabric 1 only (older versions prior to 4.x didn't have a supported configuration for using both paths at the same time, the support was experimental I believe).
Or you can run FCoE or FCoIP and use dual 10 Gbps for FC on the cheap (I do realise HBAs can be pricey). Or heck, iSCSI over 10 Gbps links...
Also, looking at my current I/O statistics for one of our biggest ESXi boxes (about 20 VMs), I see we average about... 10 mbps over the fiber. ;) Servers aren't constantly writing at full bandwidth anyhow and the convenience of centralized SAN management trumps Direct Attached Storage any day of the week in a data center environnement.
Heck, I wish our DMZ servers could be attached to the SAN (stupid Security policies) so that I could actually grow the filesystems on which the file repository sits... seeing how Sun (now Oracle) wants to charge us over 10k$ for about 72 GBs of disks, just because the hardware is EOL'd and it lacks the 2nd controller so that we can use the drive bays that are free in it...
Thunderbolt brings me back to those days. It's just not something I'd ever consider for data center use. It's not going to replace iSCSI or Fiber Channel. It's a complete non-contender in that space. Consumer space or workstations ? Yeah, sure, seems it could replace Firewire and USB disks, if the price and availability of actual peripherals is good. That last part remains to be seen.
Nov 25, 09:54 PM
hahahaa... ROFL...
this guy is a fool...
i wonder if creative said the exact same thing back in 2001 reguarding mp3 players?
And so was then-Sony head Nobuyuki Idei, who turned down Steve Jobs' business proposition to bring them aboard on ITMS. No, Sony frackin' insisted on going with Connect.
And so was Commodore back in the 1980s when they so arrogantly believed they didn't need to advertise or honor their cooperative advertising agreements with their dealers, or really help to grow and support their dealers, since "We are Commodore! People will come to *us* for computers!"
So many stupid people... so little time...
this guy is a fool...
i wonder if creative said the exact same thing back in 2001 reguarding mp3 players?
And so was then-Sony head Nobuyuki Idei, who turned down Steve Jobs' business proposition to bring them aboard on ITMS. No, Sony frackin' insisted on going with Connect.
And so was Commodore back in the 1980s when they so arrogantly believed they didn't need to advertise or honor their cooperative advertising agreements with their dealers, or really help to grow and support their dealers, since "We are Commodore! People will come to *us* for computers!"
So many stupid people... so little time...
May 7, 12:26 PM
The best option is to cover both ends.
Contacts, Calendar, Bookmarks
Small iDisk
Find my iDevice
Web Gallery
Web Page
iTunes Cloud (Lala music streaming)
More Sync options
Larger iDisk Pro (Dropbox like speed)
Larger Web space and Gallery
Online Backup
iWork.com Pro (Collaboration and editing)
I'm ready to go Google Free. I just need to know Mobileme is worth investing in more.
Exactly, if Mobile me was a free service, it would be severely limited to what is currently on offer, and I doubt Apple would even begin to offer all the features for free, they'd still want people to pay a premium.
Contacts, Calendar, Bookmarks
Small iDisk
Find my iDevice
Web Gallery
Web Page
iTunes Cloud (Lala music streaming)
More Sync options
Larger iDisk Pro (Dropbox like speed)
Larger Web space and Gallery
Online Backup
iWork.com Pro (Collaboration and editing)
I'm ready to go Google Free. I just need to know Mobileme is worth investing in more.
Exactly, if Mobile me was a free service, it would be severely limited to what is currently on offer, and I doubt Apple would even begin to offer all the features for free, they'd still want people to pay a premium.
Apr 26, 04:34 PM
I remember the days when fanbois claimed this day will never happen.
Anyway, it will be a tough battle, I'm still not convinced Android is any better than iOS. I think Apple will fall to around 20% for both smartphone and PC market, but will maintain 50% at tablet. This is still a HUGE number for both segments.
Anyway, it will be a tough battle, I'm still not convinced Android is any better than iOS. I think Apple will fall to around 20% for both smartphone and PC market, but will maintain 50% at tablet. This is still a HUGE number for both segments.
Xian Zhu Xuande
Apr 5, 03:00 PM
I'm surprised at how much misunderstanding there is as I skim this discussion.
Why is Apple stopping this? Because it provides publicity to jailbreaking. They may have other reasons for it, but I'll wager more than any other, drawing attention to jailbreaking is the main reason why this bothers them.
Why is Apple bothered by jailbreaking? Why does Apple oppose jailbreaking? Again, as a company which tightly controls the user experience of their devices and doesn't like news such as security flaws, I'm sure there are many things which bother them about jailbreaking, but again there is probably one primary cause: software piracy. Jailbreaking enables software piracy and there's not a whole lot that even the jailbreaking community can do about that.
And then there's a few more nails in the coffin: a jailbreak must take advantage of a security flaw in Apple devices or software in order to be performed, and Apple must patch these flaws in order to maintain their device security. Even if Apple didn't care about jailbreaking so much they should continue patching the flaws, thus the cat and mouse game. So why doesn't Apple just allow it by default? See the earlier points, especially piracy. Apple is going to oppose jailbreaking to the end and they have legitimate reasons to do so. I like to jailbreak my devices from time to time, but I see where they're coming from.
Why is Apple stopping this? Because it provides publicity to jailbreaking. They may have other reasons for it, but I'll wager more than any other, drawing attention to jailbreaking is the main reason why this bothers them.
Why is Apple bothered by jailbreaking? Why does Apple oppose jailbreaking? Again, as a company which tightly controls the user experience of their devices and doesn't like news such as security flaws, I'm sure there are many things which bother them about jailbreaking, but again there is probably one primary cause: software piracy. Jailbreaking enables software piracy and there's not a whole lot that even the jailbreaking community can do about that.
And then there's a few more nails in the coffin: a jailbreak must take advantage of a security flaw in Apple devices or software in order to be performed, and Apple must patch these flaws in order to maintain their device security. Even if Apple didn't care about jailbreaking so much they should continue patching the flaws, thus the cat and mouse game. So why doesn't Apple just allow it by default? See the earlier points, especially piracy. Apple is going to oppose jailbreaking to the end and they have legitimate reasons to do so. I like to jailbreak my devices from time to time, but I see where they're coming from.
Apr 20, 08:40 AM
Three initials: NFC
Come on, Apple, reinvent the market yet again! :cool:
Come on, Apple, reinvent the market yet again! :cool:
Apr 9, 07:57 PM
The answer is 2, not 288 (it can't be that)
Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):
2 is the final answer.
Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):
2 is the final answer.

Apr 25, 10:24 AM
Apple could do themselves a lot of favours if they came out with an offical statement, explaining what iOS does in regards of user tracking ( i.e, location database ). Some 1 line email response fired off by SJ doesn't do much good.
Once again, Apple fall down in terms of customer relations / communications. If Apple handled this correctly then all the fuss could go away in a couple days.
Apple cannot get into the habit of responding to such claims immediately. Hershey or Pringles should definitely address such accusations of wrongdoing, because there are few internet forums filled with breathless commentary about those companies. However, there are probably more accusations against Apple than any other company in the world. Most of the controversies die after a week or two, so it makes sense to wait for a while. Otherwise Apple would constantly have to refute some claim or another. Then, if they filled to respond to any specific query the haters would accuse them of hiding something.
Once again, Apple fall down in terms of customer relations / communications. If Apple handled this correctly then all the fuss could go away in a couple days.
Apple cannot get into the habit of responding to such claims immediately. Hershey or Pringles should definitely address such accusations of wrongdoing, because there are few internet forums filled with breathless commentary about those companies. However, there are probably more accusations against Apple than any other company in the world. Most of the controversies die after a week or two, so it makes sense to wait for a while. Otherwise Apple would constantly have to refute some claim or another. Then, if they filled to respond to any specific query the haters would accuse them of hiding something.
Sep 15, 04:56 PM
The MBP already feels like its about to literally melt on my desk now, and that's with the 31W Core Duo.
I think they should stick an old "Prescot" chip in and do a live webcast of a macbook pro liquidate itself!
:D Cool!
Liquid laptops! Literally! :p
I think they should stick an old "Prescot" chip in and do a live webcast of a macbook pro liquidate itself!
:D Cool!
Liquid laptops! Literally! :p
Jul 22, 06:46 PM
i'm still baffled why nobody's answered my question. anyone with a g5 powermac upgrade to an off the shelf video card yet?
i wonder about video card compatibility because i don't see a single driver on nvidia or ati for mac. and the specifications for the 1900 xfx and nvidia 7950 both don't even list mac compatibility. this is really making me think twice about buying from apple.
anyone please help??
It is definitely more difficult to find video cards for g5 powermacs. If ATI or Apple carry the card you want, then you're just find and it's very easy. I bought an X800 and swapped out my 9600xt for Aperture. Works great and was very easy to install.
Hopefully with the intel machines it will be easier to find cards, but it will depend on Apple. It is really up to them.
I've got a 9600XT for sale if anyone wants one :D
i wonder about video card compatibility because i don't see a single driver on nvidia or ati for mac. and the specifications for the 1900 xfx and nvidia 7950 both don't even list mac compatibility. this is really making me think twice about buying from apple.
anyone please help??
It is definitely more difficult to find video cards for g5 powermacs. If ATI or Apple carry the card you want, then you're just find and it's very easy. I bought an X800 and swapped out my 9600xt for Aperture. Works great and was very easy to install.
Hopefully with the intel machines it will be easier to find cards, but it will depend on Apple. It is really up to them.
I've got a 9600XT for sale if anyone wants one :D
Jan 13, 04:50 PM
Not yet... I get a little beep and they are paired within a few seconds.
I get that beep too, but after I MANUALLY pair the phone to the dock. I'm going to try to erase the TomTom Kit from the iPhone's BT paired devices and start from scratch.
I get that beep too, but after I MANUALLY pair the phone to the dock. I'm going to try to erase the TomTom Kit from the iPhone's BT paired devices and start from scratch.
Apr 14, 05:54 PM
Or just treat all income as ordinary income and eliminate all the preferential treatment certain forms of income enjoy. Eliminate capital gain, business, gift and estate taxes, and treat all income from all sources as ordinary income and tax accordingly.
I think that could be the easiest way to solve the problem simply, but it would also have to come with a vast elimination of deductions and exemptions.
And we should, after an across the board cut, IMO.
There are two big parts of the budget that are hard to cut though. Social Security and Medicare really can't be cut without raising the retirement age to 70 NOW and cutting benefits. I don't think that's going to happen.
I think that could be the easiest way to solve the problem simply, but it would also have to come with a vast elimination of deductions and exemptions.
And we should, after an across the board cut, IMO.
There are two big parts of the budget that are hard to cut though. Social Security and Medicare really can't be cut without raising the retirement age to 70 NOW and cutting benefits. I don't think that's going to happen.
Nov 26, 03:24 PM
I want a Wacom Cintiq with an Apple computer inside.... seems simple enough to *me*.....
Aug 2, 11:02 AM
I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.
Don't forget that apple dont just compete with themselves but other PC manufacturers now, and that release schedule would put them way behind. I expect speedbump/updated MBP and iMac at least. Probably on a random Tuesday soon.
Don't forget that apple dont just compete with themselves but other PC manufacturers now, and that release schedule would put them way behind. I expect speedbump/updated MBP and iMac at least. Probably on a random Tuesday soon.
Aug 4, 09:33 PM
It seems to me that the future of running Windows on our Macs is to not run Windows on our Macs.;)
Actually, I think Apple would be far more successful in letting Microsoft develop a better version of Virtual PC for OS X. Then people could run their Windows apps at near native performance. The machine would be a little safer from a virus infection stand point and Apple wouldn't have MS all over their back with lawsuits.
Microsoft would make money on their software and Apple would make money on their hardware as well as software.
Whats wrong with that! Everyone is happy. No revolution or bloody war. Just plenty of apps and great hardware.:D
Actually, I think Apple would be far more successful in letting Microsoft develop a better version of Virtual PC for OS X. Then people could run their Windows apps at near native performance. The machine would be a little safer from a virus infection stand point and Apple wouldn't have MS all over their back with lawsuits.
Microsoft would make money on their software and Apple would make money on their hardware as well as software.
Whats wrong with that! Everyone is happy. No revolution or bloody war. Just plenty of apps and great hardware.:D
Apr 18, 03:19 PM
If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them. Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.
When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?
Not at all. But nice try.
When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?
Not at all. But nice try.