friendship quotes and pictures

When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is. ~Oscar Wilde
I don't see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes. ~Robert A. Heinlein
Chiastic quotation: see Chiasmus.
There's such a thin line between winning and losing. ~John R. Tunis
Why fly? Simple. I'm not happy unless there's some room between me and the ground. ~Richard Bach
Cats were put into the world to disprove the dogma that all things were created to serve man. ~Paul Gray
Thought is the labor of the intellect, reverie is its pleasure. ~Victor Hugo
The inertia hardest to overcome is that of perfectly good seconds. ~Martin H. Fischer
Its avowed purpose is to excite sexual desire, which, I should have thought, is unnecessary in the case of the young, inconvenient in the case of the middle aged, and unseemly in the old. Malcolm Muggeridge, on pornography, Tread Softly For You Tread On My Jokes, 1966
If the World Series runs until election day, the networks will run the first one-half inning and project the winner. ~Lindsey Nelson
Television to brainwash us all and Internet to eliminate any last resistance. ~Paul Carvel
Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients. ~Hippocrates
Drinking without being thirsty and making love at any time, Madame, are the only things that distinguish us from other animals. ~Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, The Marriage of Figaro, 1784, translated
A warless world will come as men develop warless hearts. ~Charles Wesley Burns
Alas, the gates of life never swing open except upon death, never open except upon the palaces and gardens of death. And the universe appears to me like an immense, inexorable torture-garden. Blood everywhere and, where there is most life, horrible tormentors who dig your flesh, saw your bones, and retract your skin with sinister, joyful faces. ~"The Garden," Chapter 9
A leader who doesn't hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader. ~Golda Meir
Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases. ~Hippocrates, Aphorisms
Man is the animal that intends to shoot himself out into interplanetary space, after having given up on the problem of an efficient way to get himself five miles to work and back each day. ~Bill Vaughan
I learned law so well, the day I graduated I sued the college, won the case, and got my tuition back. ~Fred Allen
Wisdom before experience is only words; wisdom after experience is of no avail. ~Mark van Doren