best friend quotes
Is it not clear, however, that bliss and envy are the numerator and denominator of the fraction called happiness? ~Yevgeny Zamyatin
Spirituality is... the awareness that survival is the savage fight between you and yourself. ~Author Unknown
Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want. ~Margaret Young
One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition. ~Alvin Toffler
A living civilization creates; a dying, builds museums. ~Martin H. Fischer
A little learning is not a dangerous thing to one who does not mistake it for a great deal. ~William Allen White
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. ~Oscar Wilde
The imaginary flowers of religion adorn man's chains. Man must throw off the flowers and also the chains. ~Karl Marx, The Wisdom of Karl Marx
The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself. Of course he wants care and shelter. You don't buy love for nothing. Like all pure creatures, cats are practical. ~William S. Burroughs
Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine! ~Thomas Hood
I like intellectual reading. It's to my mind what fiber is to my body. ~Grey Livingston
God and angels don't get paid even though theirs is some of the most important work around. Ditto for volunteers. ~Cherishe Archer
By the age of 18, the average American has witnessed 200,000 acts of violence on television, most of them occurring during Game 1 of the NHL playoff series. ~Steve Rushin
Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. ~Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776
If the whole world were put into one scale, and my mother in the other, the whole world would kick the beam. ~Lord Langdale (Henry Bickersteth)
Believe me, for certain men at least, not taking what one doesn't desire is the hardest thing in the world. ~Albert Camus
If you spend all your time worrying about dying, living isn't going to be much fun. ~From the television show Roseanne
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. ~Luciano de Crescenzo
No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library. ~Samuel Johnson
Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden. ~Robert Brault,